Welcome to Our Women’s Circle

FREE ONLINE monthly circle


Women’s circles have also played a crucial role in the modern feminist movement. In the 1960s and 1970s, consciousness-raising groups formed to discuss gender issues, women's rights, and social struggles. These circles were essential spaces for women's empowerment and creating social change.

In our Online Women’s Circle, we offer you the possibility to settle comfortably in a place of your choice—whether it’s your cozy bed, your favorite couch, or a warm café—with your favorite drink within reach. Here, you can enjoy attentive listening, dare to express yourself, breathe, and create space through meditation.

Sharing our vulnerabilities is essential to our well-being. Many places in the world have lost this connection among women, thereby losing the sisterly bond and their source. The simple act of no longer sharing moments, like going to fetch water from the river, has cut women off from their essence, leading to the disease of our time: depression.

Listening to another’s truth or sharing your own contributes to knowing, accepting, and loving yourself. The lack of this has led women to physical, emotional, and mental drifts, losing themselves in isolation.

There was a time when women gathered during moon periods in a sacred space to share mysteries passed down from generation to generation. These sacred and secret moments allowed us to connect to our deep femininity. In these cocoons, we shared our vulnerabilities, our laughter, our joys, and our tears.

All forms of circles evoke the same essence; only their appearance can vary. Today, we are asked to go beyond the forms while honoring those who have woven the web of the path of beauty on Earth. The essence remains the same: gathering among women in sisterhood to create new forms from our awakened and conscious femininity guided by our open hearts connected to wisdom. It is through this rich tapestry that we regularly meet in authenticity, sharing, and welcoming our vulnerability. Because our vulnerability is our strength!

Groupe d'entraîneurs sportifs


Simone de Beauvoir

Upcoming Dates

Let’s meet online :

  • samedi 29 mars 18h00

  • dimanche 27 avril 18h00

  • Lundi 26 mai 18h30

  • mercredi 25 juin 18h30